var events = [{"EventID": 1, "StartDateTime": "2019-05-02", "Title": "成人:¥1288
儿童:¥798", "URL": "#", "Description": "¥1288", "CssClass": "Meeting"},]
function caltest() {
var options = {
height: '100%',
width: '100%',
navHeight: 25,
labelHeight: 25,
calendarStartDate:new Date(2025,02,13),
onMonthChanging: function(dateIn) {
//this could be an Ajax call to the backend to get this months events
//var events = [ { "EventID": 7, "StartDate": new Date(2009, 1, 1), "Title": "10:00 pm - EventTitle1", "URL": "#", "Description": "This is a sample event description", "CssClass": "Birthday" },
// { "EventID": 8, "StartDate": new Date(2009, 1, 2), "Title": "9:30 pm - this is a much longer title", "URL": "#", "Description": "This is a sample event description", "CssClass": "Meeting" }
return true;
onEventLinkClick: function(event) {
return true;
onEventBlockClick: function(event) {
return true;
onEventBlockOver: function(event) {
//alert(event.Title + " - " + event.Description);
return true;
onEventBlockOut: function(event) {
return true;
onDayLinkClick: function(date) {
return true;
onDayCellClick: function(date) {
return true;
var newoptions = { };
var newevents = [ ];
//$.jMonthCalendar.Initialize(newoptions, newevents);
$.jMonthCalendar.Initialize(options, events);
function doShowCalendar(i){